Clinging-to-a-rock "Ishitsuki"

Ishitsuki bonsai are a style of bonsai that express the natural beauty of trees growing on rocks in harsh environments, such as valleys and beaches. The word ishitsuki means "clinging to a rock" in Japanese, and there are two methods for creating this style. One is to plant the tree roots on a rock that serves as a pot, and the other is to make the tree roots cling to a rock that is planted in a container with soil. Ishitsuki bonsai can use various species of trees, such as conifers, maples, junipers, and olives, and they can be combined with accent plants to create seasonal interest. Ishitsuki bonsai are challenging to maintain, as they require frequent watering and careful placement to avoid drying out. However, they also offer great artistic freedom and creativity, as they can show different shapes and relationships between the trees and the rocks.