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Bonsai Links

The American Bonsai Society
Founded in 1967, the American Bonsai Society, Inc. is the pioneering national bonsai organization.

Bonsai Clubs International
BCI is an organization of bonsai clubs and individuals.  They sponsor conventions and publish a bonsai journal.

Bonsai Forum
This Forum is meant for discussion of bonsai, how to care for them, sources for plants, etc.

Japanese Gardens
This forum is for the discussion of all aspects of designing creating and maintain Japanese gardens.

Jerry Meislik's Web Site
A good personal web site, with an emphasis on tropical bonsai and Ficus in particular.  Look to this web site for good information and instruction.

International Bonsai Arboretum
This is Bill Valvanis' site, a very good source of information.

Greenwood Gardens Bonsai Studio
Harry Tomlinson's web site.  He is a world-renowned lecturer and teacher of bonsai. He resides in Nottingham, England in the heart of the Sherwood Forest.  We enjoyed having Harry in Cincinnati in 1998. He is very knowledgeable and entertaining on the subject of bonsai.

Evergreen Gardenworks
A very good source for bonsai and pre-bonsai. Lots of rare and unusual species. And is owned by Susie & Brent Walston.  Brent is very knowledgeable on the subject of bonsai and has written a great deal of articles. If you like to read articles this is an excellent site.

Rosade Bonsai Studio
Chase Rosade has been involved in bonsai for over 30 years. He is a world-renowned lecturer and demonstrator. A very good source for bonsai & pre-bonsai.

Serenta Flowers - The Bonsai Tree
A useful site for a quick look at information and links to bonsai related sites, including links to clubs and associations.

Bonsai Beginners - Facebook Group
With 133k members, this is a great FB group to ask questions and see how other beginners are getting started in bonsai.