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The John Carroll Bonsai Gallery Collection at the Krohn Conservatory

Hello and welcome to the Krohn Conservatory Virtual Bonsai Collection!

In these pages you will find information about each of the trees currently residing in the John Carroll Bonsai Gallery at Cincinnati's Krohn Conservatory.

Like other art forms, bonsai is experiential so we encourage you to visit the Krohn and view these trees in person!

ADDRESS: 1501 Eden Park Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45202

HOURS: Open 10 AM to 8 PM Tuesday through Sunday & 3:00 PM - 8 PM on Mondays (Labor Day is open 10 AM - 8 PM)

ADMISSION: Adults: (18 years & up) $10.00, Youth: (5-17 years old) $7.00, and Children (under 4 years old) FREE

CONTACT: 513-421-4086

Photo Tree Information
Banyan Fig #12

Banyan Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benghalensis
Krohn ID #: 12
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Clump "Kabudachi" or "Kabubuki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Dai or Omono (30 to 48 Inches, "Four-hand")
Germination Date: 1975 (Age: 50 years)
In Training Since: 1986 (38 years)


Botanical Name: Bougainvillea galabria
Krohn ID #: 19
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chu (16 to 24 Inches, "Two-Hand")
Germination Date: 1978 (Age: 47 years)
In Training Since: 1995 (30 years)
Bougainvillea #6 in full bloom at the Krohn Conservatory


Botanical Name: Bougainvillea buttiana
Krohn ID #: 6
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Clump "Kabudachi" or "Kabubuki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1960 (Age: 64 years)
In Training Since: 2008 (17 years)
Crown of Thorns #15

Crown of Thorns

Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii
Krohn ID #: 15
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Clump "Kabudachi" or "Kabubuki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Katade-mochi (10 to 18 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1985 (Age: 40 years)
In Training Since: 1987 (38 years)
Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper #34

Green Mound Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper

Botanical Name: Juniperus procumbens nana "Green Mound"
Krohn ID #: 34
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Slanting "Shakan"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chu (16 to 24 Inches, "Two-Hand")
Germination Date: 1979 (Age: 46 years)
In Training Since: 1984 (41 years)
European Hornbeam #48

European Hornbeam

Botanical Name: Carpinus betulus
Krohn ID #: 48
Type of Tree: Deciduous
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1995 (Age: 30 years)
In Training Since: 1997 (28 years)
Golden Gate Ficus #13

Golden Gate Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa "Golden Gate"
Krohn ID #: 13
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Dai or Omono (30 to 48 Inches, "Four-hand")
Germination Date: 1975 (Age: 50 years)
In Training Since: 1986 (39 years)
Green Island Ficus #10

Green Island Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa "Green Island"
Krohn ID #: 11
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Kifu Sho (8 to 16 inches, "Medium")
Germination Date: 1978 (Age: 47 years)
In Training Since: 1993 (32 years)

Fukien Tea Tree

Botanical Name: Ehretia microphylla
Krohn ID #: 7
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1970 (Age: 55 years)
In Training Since: 1980 (45 years)
Gingko Biloba #30

Gingko Biloba

Botanical Name: Gingko biloba
Krohn ID #: 30
Type of Tree: Deciduous
Bosnai Style: Forest Group Plantings "Yose-ue"
Bonsai Tree Size: Dai or Omono (30 to 48 Inches, "Four-hand")
Germination Date: 1980 (Age: 44 years)
In Training Since: 1985 (40 years)


Botanical Name: Crassula sarocaulis
Krohn ID #: 4
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Slanting "Shakan"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1981 (Age: 44 years)
In Training Since: 1983 (42 years)
Japanese Black Pine #35

Japanese Black Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus thunbergii
Krohn ID #: 35
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Dai or Omono (30 to 48 Inches, "Four-hand")
Germination Date: 1985 (Age: 39 years)
In Training Since: 1996 (29 years)
Japanese Hornbeam #41

Japanese Hornbeam

Botanical Name: Carpinus japonica
Krohn ID #: 41
Type of Tree: Deciduous
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chu (16 to 24 Inches, "Two-Hand")
Germination Date: 1983 (Age: 42 years)
In Training Since: 2005 (20 years)
Japanese Yew #36

Japanese Yew

Botanical Name: Taxus cuspidata
Krohn ID #: 36
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1989 (Age: 36 years)
In Training Since: 1997 (28 years)
Korean Hornbeam #47

Korean Hornbeam

Botanical Name: Carpinus turczaninovii
Krohn ID #: 47
Type of Tree: Deciduous
Bosnai Style: Forest Group Plantings "Yose-ue"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 2000 (Age: 25 years)
In Training Since: 2015 (10 years)
Kusamono with Ferns #21

Kusamono with ferns

Botanical Name: Polypodiopsida
Krohn ID #: 21
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Forest Group Plantings "Yose-ue"
Bonsai Tree Size: Katade-mochi (10 to 18 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 2022 (Age: 3 years)
In Training Since: 2022 (3 years)
Krohn tree #1 - Natal Plum

Natal Plum

Botanical Name: carissa grandiflora
Krohn ID #: 1
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1975 (Age: 50 years)
In Training Since: 1985 (40 years)

Natal Plum

Botanical Name: carissa grandiflora
Krohn ID #: 3
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Semi-cascade "Han-kengai"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1986 (Age: 39 years)
In Training Since: 1991 (34 years)
Natal Plum #9

Natal Plum

Botanical Name: carissa grandiflora
Krohn ID #: 9
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Semi-cascade "Han-kengai"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1975 (Age: 50 years)
In Training Since: 1983 (42 years)
Northern White-cedar #49

Northern White-cedar

Botanical Name: Thuja occidentalis
Krohn ID #: 49
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Slanting "Shakan"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1913 (Age: 112 years)
In Training Since: 2022 (2 years)
Pomegranate #17


Botanical Name: Punica granatum
Krohn ID #: 17
Type of Tree: Semi-deciduous
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1970 (Age: 55 years)
In Training Since: 1979 (46 years)

Ponderosa Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus ponderosa
Krohn ID #: 37
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Slanting "Shakan"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chu (16 to 24 Inches, "Two-Hand")
Germination Date: 1875 (Age: 150 years)
In Training Since: 2004 (21 years)
Ponderosa Pine #38

Ponderosa Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus ponderosa
Krohn ID #: 38
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Hachi-uye (40 to 60 Inches, "Six-hand")
Germination Date: 1640 (Age: 385 years)
In Training Since: 1988 (37 years)
Juniperus chinensis "itoigawa"

Itoigawa Shimpaku Juniper

Botanical Name: Juniperus chinensis "Itoigawa"
Krohn ID #: 31
Type of Tree: Evergreen
Bosnai Style: Forest Group Plantings "Yose-ue"
Bonsai Tree Size: Katade-mochi (10 to 18 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 2013 (Age: 12 years)
In Training Since: 2023 (1 year)
Taiwan Fig #14

Taiwan Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus retusa
Krohn ID #: 14
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1987 (Age: 38 years)
In Training Since: 1993 (32 years)
Taiwan Fig #18

Taiwan Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus retusa
Krohn ID #: 18
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chu (16 to 24 Inches, "Two-Hand")
Germination Date: 1985 (Age: 40 years)
In Training Since: 1993 (32 years)
Taiwan Fig #2

Taiwan Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus retusa
Krohn ID #: 2
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Root-over-Rock "Sekijoju", "Ish Seki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1990 (Age: 35 years)
In Training Since: 1999 (26 years)
Taiwan Fig #20

Taiwan Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus retusa
Krohn ID #: 20
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Katade-mochi (10 to 18 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 2008 (Age: 17 years)
In Training Since: 2008 (17 years)
Umbrella Tree

Umbrella Tree

Botanical Name: Schefflera arboricola
Krohn ID #: 5
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Clump "Kabudachi" or "Kabubuki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Katade-mochi (10 to 18 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1993 (Age: 32 years)
In Training Since: 1996 (29 years)
Too Little Weeping Fig #16

Too Little Weeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina "Too Little"
Krohn ID #: 16
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Forest Group Plantings "Yose-ue"
Bonsai Tree Size: Dai or Omono (30 to 48 Inches, "Four-hand")
Germination Date: 1995 (Age: 30 years)
In Training Since: 1993 (32 years)

Willow-leaf Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus microphylla
Krohn ID #: 8
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1983 (Age: 42 years)
In Training Since: 1986 (39 years)
Willow-leaf Ficus #10

Willow-leaf Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus microphylla
Krohn ID #: 10
Type of Tree: Tropical
Bosnai Style: Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"
Bonsai Tree Size: Chiu or Chumono (16 to 36 Inches, "Two-hand")
Germination Date: 1978 (Age: 46 years)
In Training Since: 1980 (45 years)