Informal Upright "moyogi" or "tachiki"

The informal upright bonsai style, or moyogi, is a way of shaping a bonsai tree that resembles a natural tree that has been exposed to wind and other environmental factors. The trunk of the moyogi style is slightly bent and tapers toward the top, forming a gentle S-curve. The branches are distributed asymmetrically along the trunk, and they should extend from the outside of the curves, not the inside. The top of the tree should be aligned with the base of the trunk and face the viewer. The moyogi style is suitable for many species of bonsai trees, such as pine, maple, juniper, and conifer. It is one of the most popular and common styles in bonsai, and it can create an elegant and graceful appearance for the tree.
This European Hornbeam tree was acquired by the Krohn Conservatory in 2017. This tree is from Nature’s Way Bonsai Nursery, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was donated by Bonsai Society member D. Brown in 2017.
This Japanese Hornbeam was imported from Japan by bonsai artist Jim Doyle of Nature’s Way Bonsai Nursery in 2005. It has been in training since 2005. The tree was acquired by the Krohn Conservatory in 2016 when it was donated by Bonsai Society member D. Brown.
This Ponderosa Pine was field collected with permission (yamadori) from Devil’s Tower area of Wyoming at 8-10,000 feet by renowned bosai artist Dan Robinson.
This Japanese Yew was donated by longtime Bonsai Society member Dr. Aaron Perlman in 2010.
It is in the informal upright style. The pot is rectangular, unglazed, brown in color and is 5 inches deep.
This Japanese Black Pine was locally field grown (yamadori). The tree was donated by Bonsai Society member Dave Billings in 2010.
It is an informal upright style. The pot is rectangular, unglazed, brown in color and is 6 inches deep.
This Taiwan Fig was donated by Bonsai Society member Dr. Douglas Hawley in 1999.
It is an informal upright style. The pot is rectangular, unglazed, brown in color and is 5 inches deep.
This pomegranate was donated by Bonsai Society member Pete Daroczy in 2016.
It is an informal upright. The pot is large, round, brown in color and is 8 inches deep.
Pomegranates are native to the Mediterranean climate. It was introduced into Spanish America in the late 16th century and into California by Spanish settlers in 1769.
This Taiwan Fig was donated by Bonsai Society member Mike Scheid in 2008. For its initial styling, it was grown over two stakes.
It is an informal upright style with aerial roots. The pot is large oval, glazed, blue in color and is 5 inches deep.